May. 18, 2004 - 11:35 am

Multiplicity (1996)

so i actually watched this one a few days ago. i'm not quite sure why. i remember saying something to Jill a couple of weeks ago about wanting to see Michael Keaton in another film and that i wondered what had happened to him. so maybe Multiplicity wasn't the best example of his life's work.

it's about a construction designer/foreman who doesn't have enought time to both spend time with his family and do his job well. he gets fed up and stumbles upon a clinic that is willing to clone him in order to give him more time. the clones get a little weirder each time and for some reason he decides to clone himself multiple times. it's a little unbelievable i think that the character would do that, and that his wife would never actually figure out what was going on. it's a goofy movie and only periodically funny.

i always complain about Andie MacDowell and Greg never wants to hear it because he likes her so much. in all truth, i didn't complain about her too much as a result of this film. she's her usual self here, but she doesn't overact as much as she does in, say, certain scenes of Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994).

so, yeah, don't worry about seeing Multiplicity. it's not really worth the 2 hours of your life.