Oct. 20, 2002 - 9:48 pm

Killer's Kiss (1955)

still working on the Stanley Kubrick collection, i think this is the last one i'll be able to easily find a copy of. before Killer's Kiss, things are a good deal more difficult to locate. but i've seen everything after that, so i guess i'm basically finished at this point. wow, two movies today. i'm doing well. the thing is i have to turn back in all 5 of the films i checked out tomorrow and at this point i've only watched 3 of them. i'll try to get in one more tomorrow afternoon before i'm forced to choose 5 more.

Killer's Kiss is about a prize fighter near the end of his career at age 29 who gets caught up with a girl in distress. she works at one of those dance halls where you pay to dance with the girls, and is having a seedy affair with the owner of the club. he starts to get violent with her one night and the prize fighter comes to the rescue. the two quickly fall in love and decide to leave town to go to Seattle. but first the girl stops off to pick up her last paycheck from the jealous club owner. trouble ensues and it looks like someone's going to end up dead before the day is out.

i enjoyed this short film fairly well. it had some interesting cinematography (of course done by Kubrick himself). lots of reflection shots, which you really don't see too often. it did also have a plot which pulled you into the action really well. and even though the couple falls in love in only a 15 minute period, it doesn't feel rushed. that's the talent of a great director i suppose. the one really bad thing about the film is the dialogue. for various reasons, Kubrick had trouble with his sound team and everything had to be dubbed in post-production. it's a bit goofy and uncoordinated unfortunately. overall it was a good film and definitely worth watching though.

be sure to hit the previous movie button a couple of times today.