Jun. 21, 2004 - 7:47 pm

Bad Santa (2003)

i didn't hear too much about this when it was originally at the theater late last year. i guess i knew that it was supposed to be funny and included some pretty raunchy humor. that was about it. i don't guess that many people went to see it. i didn't anyway. but Leslie had checked it out from Gemstone so she, Keith, and I watched it the other day to pass the time after eating some evening sushi at Tomo. well, i didn't have sushi...i had the fried vegetables and rice. but that's beside the point right?

Bad Santa is about a conman and his little person partner conman who visit department stores at Christmas pretending to be Santa and his elf. they then proceed to rob each store that they are placed in. the problem this year is that the security are on to their game and santa ends up having to stay with a freak kid in order to have a place to stay. he actually sort of befriends the kid, but often he just tells him he's a stupid little freak. this movie really doesn't have any qualms.

this is possibly one of the more offensive movies i've ever seen, but needless to say i wasn't very offended by it. i think my senses have been dulled to base humor over the years and i'm just immune to being offended by it anymore.

it's a decent movie and definitely pretty hilarious at parts. there were a bunch of lines that i kept telling myself to remember, but i seem to have forgotten them now. oh well. i probably couldn't say them in mixed company anyway.