Jun. 19, 2002 - 2:30 am

Interview with the Vampire (1994)

well this film has been mentioned a few times in conversations i've had in the past couple of weeks. someone mentioned liking horror films and scythes, but had never seen it. what? that's crazy.

this would probably be on my top ten list of horror films. it's extremely well done and has great acting. i'm not much for reading horror, so no i'm not familiar with Anne Rice's novel version, or her other Vampire Chronicles books. keep in mind that she did write the screenplay for this film and was very happy with the result. as am i.

Interview with the Vampire is the story of Louis (Brad Pitt). he is telling his story in the early 1990s to a reporter. he recounts the tale of how he first became a vampire by the hand of Lestat (Tom Cruise) and later how he acquired a daughter, Claudia (Kirsten Dunst). also of his pursuit for answers concerning his place in this world and the origins of vampires.

as far as these three actors, Tom Cruise is an outstanding actor. from Legend (1985) to Vanilla Sky (2001) he has repeatedly kicked ass. and what comes out next weekend? that's right, Minority Report (2002). i'm so seeing that. Steven Spielberg. wow this movie has a cool poster. but anyway, back to this movie. yeah, and Brad Pitt is probably my favorite living male actor. he's just outstanding. undeniably. Kirsten Dunst i have only liked in two films. this one and The Virgin Suicides (1999). i've mostly avoided seeing the rest of her trite films.

this movie is just one of those classics of our time that you have to have seen. it's perfect for what it is and has definitely had a huge effect on current filmmakers. if you haven't seen it, check it out. i'd definitely say you're missing out.