Oct. 29, 2005 - 11:43 am

10 cover
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

Jill and i had talked about this movie quite a bit over the past few months and we were wanting to see it again. i added the movie to my Christmas List over at thethingsiwant.com, and she ended up getting it for me a bit early.

To Kill a Mockingbird is based on the classic novel by Harper Lee, which tons of people have to read in high school. i know i did anyway. it takes place around 1932 in a small town in Alabama. it centers on a young brother and sister who get into a bit of trouble and later on their father, a respected lawyer, who defends a black man in a rape trial.

that may sound like sort of a short description, but this movie does have a ton of depth to it. not only in the story, but also in the acting, cinematography, music, and the general feeling of well-being and comfort that is created throughout the movie.

Scout dressed as a ham and Jem with her
i asked Jill what would be a good scene to show in the diary entry for today and we agreed that Scout dressed as a ham would be a good one. this photo doesn't actually show it, but her ham costume says "HAM" in big white letters on the main body portion. it's hilarious the first time you see it.

i don't know how many times i've seen this movie. it was always one of my mom's favorites and it's one of mine too. it has a certain something that's difficult to put your finger on, but there's definitely no other film quite like To Kill a Mockingbird.