Jun. 25, 2005 - 5:48 pm

Heaven (2002)

well, it looks like i started talking about wanting to see this movie over 3 years ago. i think after months and months of not being able to see it in any way, i just basically forgot about it. i finally remembered recently and added it to my "to see" list. i didn't know how well Jill would like it, and i was looking for things to watch on "bachelor weekend." that's what i'm calling this weekend since Jill's out of town at a library conference.

Heaven is about a female school teacher who is driven to action when she sees her students falling to a local druglord. she has tried and tried to get the Italian police force to help her, but they seem to be in cahoots with the druglord for some reason. she takes action into her own hands and tries to kill him by planting a bomb in his office. she accidentally kills some innocent people instead and is taken to jail. during her questioning, she meets a young policeman who falls in love with her and decides to help her escape. it's really a story of their love. that's the main focal point anyway.

i enjoyed the movie and it was beautifully shot. there's this one shot where the two people are silhouetted on a grassy hill, with a large tree next to them. you see the sunset in the background and the camera slowly revolves around the tree at a distance and you see the branches turning, but the figures seem to stay in the same place. that was the most exquisite shot i've seen in quite a while. it's a very pretty movie.

i can't really think of any flaws for this movie, but it didn't really successfully draw me in. i wasn't enthralled by the story or the acting. it was pretty good and was very beautiful.

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