Jun. 02, 2004 - 8:42 pm

X-Men (2000)

wow, i didn't realize that X-Men had actually come out almost 4 years ago at this point. that's pretty amazing to me since it's still so fresh in my mind. i'm sure the sequel didn't hurt with keeping the first one fresh in my mind though. anyway, this was my late mother's day present to my mom (yes, she wanted it.), so we decided to watch it together this weekend. little did i know that Jill's actually a big x-men fan too. i guess i could've guessed that. she seems to like quite a bit of sci-fi stuff actually. excellent.

X-Men is a comic book movie based on one of the earliest comic book series with a team format. the film mostly follows the joint stories of Rogue and Wolverine as they come across the underlings of Magneto and subsequently join up with the X-Men team of mutants in order to stop the worlds leaders from being turned into mutants themselves. does that make any sense? i feel that it doesn't, but i can't bring myself to care.

anyway, we enjoyed X-Men just as much watching it for the second time as we did originally at the theater. why is everyone so crazy about Hugh Jackman? i guess he's sort of a traditional "hunk." i can't think of many hunks over the past couple of decades. that's weird. after Tom Selleck they sort of faded into the background i think. that's too bad because i just love the word "hunk," let me tell you. i can't get enough of it.

ok, i guess i have nothing new or even interesting in the way of film description or trivia tonight so i'm just going to stop here before this becomes a complete tangent.