Apr. 10, 2004 - 7:54 pm

Dangerous Liaisons (1988)

this continues on with my quest to see "some" of the Best Picture nominees of the 80s. there may actually not be many more. i can't think of very many others that i'm interested in seeing at the moment. but anyway this is one. oh, and by the way, i haven't ever seen Cruel Intentions (1999) (the modern retelling of this story) so i can't comment on similarities and/or differences.

the main idea here is that this is would i would call negative Jane Austen. don't get me wrong, i'm generally a huge fan of Jane Austen. the fact is that if you take her stories and make them venemous and filled with sex, you get Dangerous Liaisons. it's about a pair of people who take it upon themselves to destroy the lives of others by forming these little plots that, via sexual deviance, will help the perpetrator to seem a master of evil in the mind of the other.

it's quite a crafty and entertaining story, but obviously very purposefully negative in terms of the emotions conveyed by the story. it's so weird. my mom and i ran across Fatal Attraction (1987) earlier on tv and i just keep freaking out about how we're supposed to find Glenn Close attractive in these films. i guess the definition of sexy was different in the 80s. i think i have more of a 1950s definition of sexy in my mind. but that's beside the point.

and on that note i've run out of things to talk about. wow what a boring entry. oh well, maybe i'll have better for you tomorrow.