Apr. 05, 2004 - 5:01 pm

Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)

Colin and i had talked about seeing this a few days ago so we went and picked up a copy to watch. i think we had seen something involving Kevin Spacey and they talked about him being in this movie, so that was the major draw i guess. it's a film remake of a David Mamet play. apparently actors and actresses are usually interested when his plays are being done, so that's why the cast is so great for this film. Ed Harris, Jack Lemmon, Al Pacino, Alec Baldwin, Jonathan Pryce, and Alan Arkin all star in this one.

it's a stage play type film (not many locations and it sort of progresses like scenes in a play do), about a group of businessmen who are not doing very well in property sales. they get a very extreme pep talk from Alec Baldwin and are then forced to start selling more or else lose their jobs. they all react very violently to this and they start thinking of robbing their own office in order to get back at the company and to do themselves a favor.

my thoughts on this film are that it is well written and damn well acted, but it doesn't really mean very much. it's like the title of the film. the business leads that the men are thinking about stealing are called the "Glengarry leads" for some unknown reason and then one of the properties they sold in the past was called "Glen Ross." why is that the title of the film? no good reason if you ask me. and the dialogue from the film is basically the same. a lot of it is artfully written and sounds very cool to the ear, but it really has no meaning. it's just spinning a web around your mind and trying to make you think that you're enjoying yourself. i decided that i wasn't going to enjoy myself being fed a bunch of crap, and i often didn't while watching this film. it drags on for a long time because nothing is really happening...just a bunch of men alternating between sweet talking and angrily yelling at one another. it gets a bit frustrating.