Mar. 01, 2004 - 10:15 am

*Oscar results

well, my overall percentage correct went down this year by one (allowing Greg also to beat me by one) leaving me at about 58% correct. i personally blame the Best Actor category. that was just a travesty. I really felt Bill Murray's pain. that was a shock and pretty terrible if you ask me. yeah, i mean Sean Penn often gets overlooked and that's too bad, but there are a lot of people that get overlooked because they don't astound us enough. Bill Murray astounded many people in that movie. i really don't think you can say the same for Sean Penn. that's why I don't think that should've gone down the way that it did.

i also made a mistake switching at the last minute from Renee Zellweger to Shohreh Aghdashloo, but most of this was just based on hunches anyway right?

i was pretty miffed about LOTR getting EVERY award it was nominated for. it really didn't deserve some of those. i think it's just the fact that everyone in the Academy got so caught up in the fact that they wanted to honor the trilogy that they checked it off each time that it appeared. kind of a childish thing to do if you ask me and it doesn't really give anyone else a chance.

don't get me wrong, i'm glad that it won a lot of the awards that it did. still in my opinion, Lost in Translation is in fact the best film that came out in 2003. even though we all knew that wasn't going to win.

i was also fairly disappointed with Master & Commander's win for Best Cinematography. Seabiscuit should have had that one. Master & Commander was pretty much all CGI from what i can tell. too bad.

i really really enjoyed all of the musical performances at the Oscars. those were probably the best feature of the night. amazing performances. i loved Sting's crankbox-type instrument on "You Will Be My Ain True Love." and the most satisfying win of the evening for me was probably the win for "Into The West." i really wanted that song to win. anyway, good show. hopefully in 2005 we'll get a better mix of things winning awards instead of one film taking almost half of the available awards home.