Aug. 29, 2003 - 11:47 pm

Anatomie (2000)

well, we'll spend the rest of this weekend preparing for Once Upon A Time in Mexico (2003), but for tonight we're talking about a German film. this was recommended a long long time ago by Anne, but i don't remember if she recommended it because she actually thought it was good or just because it was a popular German film. her recommendations can be based on a lot of different criteria, not just if the film is actually likeable.

Anatomy stars Franka Potente as brilliant medical student who wins the chance to study at the best and most historically prestigious medical university in Germany. once she gets there she makes friends with another girl from Munich (who happens to be quite slutty but also brilliant). they get to work on dissecting their cadavers, but odd things are happening and a boy that they met on the way to school ends up on the dissection table. Franka starts to investigate and uncovers a secret school society where the students and teachers are killing people in the name of science. in particular, one of the students, takes the killing way way too far.

well, pretty much this movie is nothing but shock value and shameless sexual innuendoes. unfortunately i wasn't sufficiently shocked and things are sexy to me if they don't involve using my brain. i think i was generous with the 4/10 rating.

can i talk about how much a certain facial hair occurrence bothers me? over the past decade idiotic men have begun to have that little twit of facial hair under their lower lip. no i'm not talking about a goatee. this is just a tiny tiny bit of facial hair right in the center directly below their lip. yeah, you need to get shot in the face if you have that. and the sexual interest for Franka's character in this has that. i hate it.

i can't think of anything else good to say about the movie. wait...did i say anything good? i kind of liked the Anna Loos music video that was a special feature on the DVD. that's about it though. the rest of the time i knew i was watching a fairly dumb movie.