Dec. 17, 2002 - 5:37 pm

The Man Who Would Be King (1975)

this one's number 235 off of the list today. i don't know if i've ever really heard anything about this film before though. it was originally a short story by Rudyard Kipling and he is actually a character in this story, played by Christopher Plummer. the film's two biggest stars though are Sean Connery and Michael Caine.

it's about 2 english ex-soldiers who are basically only interested in having a good time and making money. other than that, they don't care about too much. no scruples i guess you'd say. so one day they decide to go off from India to a remote country in the middle east in order to become kings of the region. the plan is to get in cahoots with one of the clans there, teach it how to fight, and then use it to take over all the other areas. the spoils of war will then be theirs. things go a bit differently and Sean Connery ends up being mistaken for the son of Alexander the Great. they end up getting more than they ever imagined.

a good story and good acting, but it didn't overwhelm me. it's an interesting combination to see these two actors together. it worked well i think, but i could've done with seeing them in a different plot. the comic relief element of the film was also quite nice. i had a few good laughs during the course of the film. other than that, i don't think i have much to say tonight.

well, a couple of small updates have been made to the site, but nothing major so far. i can't think of a cool template idea yet. maybe i'll get something good in the next few days here.

and in a bit of personal news, a much more promising job might be lurking around the corner. find out friday...