Nov. 21, 2002 - 11:00 pm

Wag the Dog (1997)

well, in a continuation of Robin Wright week, we find a movie that completely does not contain Robin Wright. i'm not sure what the library's online catalog means by telling me that this film has something to do with this lady when the IMDb resoundingly denies it. if you go to the movie's page on the imdb and search for the name Robin Wright (even in combined details) nowhere will you locate her name. of course if you go to and run a search for "video AND robin wright", guess which film shows up? you bet.

ok anyway. this movie for the most part is fairly bad. it's pretentious and it makes me hate what people refer to as "showbusiness." just insane self-gratification with no regard for others. that's all this movie is about. the characters are also more or less the same. all have bad morals and are disgusting people. mostly i felt sick watching this. thank you so much for not getting involved with this Robin Wright.

the movie starts out with a summary of itself by explaining its title...which comes from a joke. "Why does a dog wag its tail? Because the dog is smarter than the tail. If the tail were smarter it would wag the dog." the film is about a small group of people under the President's direction who "produce" a small war between the U.S. and Albania by starting rumors in the news media. this is done so that the President will not have to take the rap for a sex scandal he was recently involved in. basically they cover up the scandal by making bigger news appear. lots of rumors and lying and tricking people. and it's not very interesting.

i also found some of the cinematography in this film to be quite bad and idiotic. it was creative, but bad creative. sort of like the film in general. i wouldn't recommend this one at all.