Jul. 25, 2002 - 4:33 am

Blade Runner (1982)

i'm not sure what made me want to see Blade Runner again. i guess just friends and i talking about it a few times. i'm sure you've heard of it, but it's a sci-fi classic and it's number 76 on the IMDb top 100 today. i think this is possibly the eeriest and most uneventful sci-fi classic ever. well, aside from Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). but apparently those are the ones America's film scholars love the best. why? i'm just not sure.

this movie is set in 2019 and tells of a "blade runner" who has to track and kill 4 escaped "replicants." meaning he is a policeman who kills androids. they are all very dangerous and cannot be left to roam the streets of Earth. hmmm...that's about all there is plotwise. it's pretty slow moving and there's just lots of odd things that happen.

Blade Runner is brought to us by one of the most inconsistent directors of all time (plotwise), Ridley Scott. he jumps all over the place as to what his films deal with, put he's got some amazing accomplishments under his belt.

i sort of like this film, but it puts me into a mood i usually don't want to be in. it's like listening to one of the most recent Radiohead albums all the way through in a dark room. i can't really say much more than that. because damn it's almost 5 am.