Jul. 24, 2002 - 2:20 am

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

well after almost 4 years i decided it was time to take a second look at this film. i first watched it when i started on the AFI list in 1999. this film won Best Picture, 6 other Oscars, and is number 26 on the IMDb top 100 today. people love this film. i have to admit it is pretty awesome, but i have some problems with the plot. it just doesn't keep me that entertained. especially towards the end. it's a wonderful film all the same. David Lean who directed was just flawless for about 10 years there. he did Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), this film, and then Doctor Zhivago (1965). wonderful filmography. this film has a lot of the same great qualities that the other two have.

it's a biographical film about T. E. Lawrence, a British officer, who was sent out during WWII from Cairo to Arabia to investigate the situation there. once he arrived, he found that he identified greatly with the Arabs he met and decided to lead them to their own independence from the occupying Turks. he also tried to keep his native England from then forcing its way in and taking over the new Arabian state.

i think this one is a little to political for me. i never like films that focus on national politics that much. if i had to pick the best one that did it though, i might well pick Lawrence of Arabia. i prefer films that focus on small events, individuals, or groups. there are always exceptions though.

this film is still wonderfully constructed. really my only qualm is the story. for one thing this is the only place you're really going to see Peter O'Toole stand out so much, so it's worth it just for that. he was never huge, but he's perfect as Lawrence. like i said, the director, David Lean, can do amazing things. and just perfect cinematography and music. couldn't ask for much better. gotta listen to the intermission just like in Doctor Zhivago. resist the temptation to fast forward. just get up, get a snack, visit the facilities, and listen as you go. it's worth it.

interesting trivia for this film. even though the film is extraordinarily long at 216 minutes, there are no speaking female roles in the entire film. come to think of it, that's another qualm for me i'm sure. i think i require seeing some women on the screen for a film to get better than an 8/10.