Jul. 10, 2002 - 11:27 pm

Waiting for Guffman (1996)

this is a comedy that has been recommended to me many times. and you might want to take my rating with a grain of salt. i just don't give very high ratings to comedies i don't think. sounds like the Oscars are having an effect on me.

this is another pseudo documentary from Christopher Guest of Best in Show (2000) fame. it basically works exactly the same as Best in Show does. you meet all of the lead characters, who are exceedingly eccentric, one by one and then they all come together for the big show at the end of the film which is a success in a way. this one revolves around a talent show, while Best in Show works around a dog show. i don't think i enjoyed this one quite as much, but it still had some insanely funny bits.

of course my favorite characters in this were played by Christopher Guest himself, and Parker Posey. they're always the best. no matter how great the supporting cast is. Parker Posey singing her slutty rendition of "Teacher's Pet" was great. and it was hilarious when the obviously homosexual Christopher Guest character, Corky St. Clair, would yell at people. screaming things like "i just hate you people...'cause you people are BASTARD PEOPLE!" and "well, then, I just HATE you... and I hate your... ass... FACE!"

watch for another random review coming tomorrow night. i have very little justification for watching it. and i'll probably hate it. but i just have to.