Jul. 11, 2002 - 11:49 pm

Brigadoon (1954)

ok, this entry is pretty late in coming, and if you're reading this you had to backtrack to get to it as i'm posting another entry directly after i finish. i had a stupid reason for watching it and it wasn't very good anyway. so no big loss.

this was a big musical directed by Vincent Minnelli (father of Liza) and starring Gene Kelly. it takes place in present day (1954 at the time) and features a story about 2 hunters lost in the Scottish highlands who stumble upon the mythic town of Brigadoon which only appears for one day every hundred years out of the mist. Gene Kelly falls in love with a beautiful woman there and has to make a choice about whether he wants a "real" life, or this life of fantasy in Brigadoon.

most of the music sucked except for "Almost Like Being In Love," which i'm sure we've all heard a hundred times, and one other song called "I'll Go Home With Bonnie Jean." the story was pretty trite as was the acting and direction. can't give it any better than a 4/10.