May 05, 2002 - 7:01 pm

Gigi (1958)

just one of the many musicals to win Best Picture. this is the story of a young girl living in Paris around 1900 and a gentleman who begins to take an interest in her which grows in strength throughout the film. now i will admit that i'm just not a huge fan of the musical genre. i grew up with a few of them that i like fairly well like The Wizard of Oz (1939) and The Sound of Music (1965), but most of the time when i see one now i just don't enjoy it that much.

that was true of this film. it gets a 6/10. now apparently a lot of people like this film and it won 9 Oscars total. it's just not for me though. i found the plot to be completely too simple. i knew from the minute i saw Gigi and Gaston together how the film would end up. it's just a bit too "classic" and superficial for me. i need to see a bit more depth from the basic story in order to rate it higher. that...or have watched it a million times when i was a kid.