Apr. 24, 2002 - 11:30 am

Matewan (1987)

ooohhhhh, 8.30 am watching Matewan for Film & American Culture class. this week we're discussing independent film, so we watched this movie from John Sayles. it has a lot of pro-union material in it and came out during the Reagan years when the U.S. was very anti-union. so the professors are trying to show us that that's part of what indie films do is go against mainstream ideas and beliefs.

the film was very interesting. an excellent cast. especially good were the two head gunmen antagonists played by Gordon Clapp and Kevin Tighe. so slimy you almost liked them. and James Earl Jones is always amazing, even in a supporting role.

Matewan gets an 8/10. i really liked the material here, the direction, and the acting. good solid film.