Apr. 21, 2002 - 11:33 pm

Kings and Desperate Men: A Hostage Incident (1981)

ok, this is an indie movie made by Alexis Kanner and starring Patrick McGoohan. both of "The Prisoner" (TV)(1967) fame. a request came through that I review a Patrick McGoohan film and this was the one I had on hand because I was borrowing it at the time. this was, perhaps not the best title to review though.

very strange film, very strange. i believe Kanner took about every role on the production of the film and from what I know of him he's very intelligent but just insane. thus the film is insane. editing is all over the place; characters, shots, etc. come and go completely unestablished. there are overlapping soundtracks that have little or nothing to do with what you see on the screen. it's completely nuts, and it's not a good kind of nuts. at least not for 118 minutes. this gets a 3/10.

i'll recommend watching more of Patrick McGoohan's work any day, but i'd definitely suggest something more along the lines of "The Prisoner" TV series or Braveheart (1995). those are excellent. this film was not.