Oct. 26, 2003 - 9:33 pm

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)

yeah, so i had been dying to see this for a while. i'm a very big Tarantino fan. i own both Reservoir Dogs (1992) and True Romance (1993) and then all of the other films that he is associated with i tend to really enjoy. i will definitely own Kill Bill when it gets released. anyway, i had been waiting to see it for a while so that a certain lady would consider joining me. that ended up working out amazingly well, but that's another story.

Kill Bill stars Uma Thurman as a former assassin (from a group of assassins) who goes out seeking revenge against her group who 4 years earlier tried to kill her and basically everyone she loved. because they were unsuccessful and left her alive in her coma, when she eventually wakes up she comes back to full strength quickly and seeks out the master samurai sword that will allow her to take revenge on the entire group that she once worked with.

there is so much innovative style in this movie it's insane. i mean i know that Quentin Tarantino is nabbing styles and techniques from tons of terrible films that have been made in the past, but no one else could have made a film remotely close to the final product he has achieved here. i really hope something from this movie ends up winning an Oscar. i would recommend writing, editing, and/or cinematography.

i also love the fact that Tarantino forbade the use of cgi in relation to this film. i personally hate cgi much of the time. i guess i selectively hate it. it just depends. i mean obviously if a film is totally cgi as with Final Fantasy (2001) it's expected and accepted. with many of the fight-involved movies of today (i.e. The Matrix Reloaded (2003)) i think it has ended up going a bit over-the-top and has become very fake-looking in certain ways. i don't know how to totally explain what i'm thinking. so i'm going to stop talking about it.

anyway, if you like Tarantino, go see Kill Bill. you'll love it. if you don't love his films, don't talk to me about it. if you haven't seen any of his others, watch Pulp Fiction (1994) and then go see Kill Bill. this just in!!! - oh and by the way, i know about all of the problems with old cover images not working on my diary right now. the IMDb has finally caught onto my scheme of using their servers to host the images that i use on my diary and i can't do it any more. i'm working to correct the problem by nabbing cover URLs from the Amazon site, but it'll take me some time. i'll be slowly working on it over the coming weeks.