Oct. 10, 2003 - 12:22 pm

Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1988)

a girl at work, Teresa, recommeded this one to me. she's pretty funny and seems to like really outrageous and experimental things best. she can definitely appreciate the ordinary humor in life though. anyway, she and I were talking about strange movies one day at the reference desk and she was thinking of this one. she tried to send me a link to a page that described the movie later that day, but ended up accidentally sending it to our departmental listserv and more than 40 librarians all learned of this film at once. that was an interesting day.

Tetsuo is an experimental Japanese film about a guy that cuts open his leg and sticks a piece of scrap metal in it. Then he runs down the road and gets hit by a car. after that, the driver of the car begins to have metal begin to pour out of his body. he becomes a walking pile of scrap metal. it turns out that the metal-in-the-leg guy that he hit is still alive (inside his own body no less) and is fueling his transformation as well as his pointless rage towards the woman he loves.

i got really bored of all the scrap metal montages that happened while Colin and i were watching this. i mean the movie is only 67 minutes long, and it sounds pretty wild right? well we got extremely bored at points. some of it was funny just because it was so insane, but mostly it was just boring and/or wrong. i would only recommend this movie to a few people i know that love all things foreign and nutty.