Dec. 27, 2002 - 11:28 pm

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Extended Version) (2001)

i know, i've rated this film before, but i decided that since we watched it last night over at Leslie's that i should go ahead and post another review focusing on the "extended" portions. especially seeing how few entries have appeared in the past few days due to Christmas and work and laziness.

first, thanks go to my mom for the lovely Christmas gift which i will surely watch many times over the next couple of decades.

so in case you didn't know, in November they came out with this special edition of the DVD which has an extra half hour of footage edited back into the film which was originally cut to save time. but it's really good stuff for the most part that makes you feel like the journey of the fellowship is actually longer.

my favorite addition is Bilbo's introduction to the film. there's a part at the beginning where Bilbo is writing his book There and Back Again and he does a voice-over narration telling us about hobbits and their history. this is very useful to people that have not read the books because they more than likely would know nothing about hobbits and be confused when they saw how tiny certain characters are at the beginning of this film.

another useful bit is where Galadriel gives gifts to all of the members of the fellowship. this is probably one of the funniest parts of the movie i would say.

also most of the battle scenes are extended and a bit more graphic. there's a great scene with Legolas standing at the left hand part of the screen doing some rapid-fire bow action on some orcs. he has to take out at least 7 of them within 30 seconds. amazing stuff. Legolas is definitely my favorite character overall.

anyway, i recommend this movie in any form that you can see it, but this dvd is the best way to watch it. so do that if you can. oh and i also recommend reading the trivia for this film.